Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Launch! 2007

21 January 2007 marks the transition of leadership for PathMakers. We thanked Pastor Jabez who has been with us faithfully for the past 2+ years and welcomed Pastor Kee Oon on board

Pastor Kee Oon shared with us his vision for PathMakers

Why the need to be a PathMaker?
Young Adults are at a point in their lives where we’re forming an adult life structure. We have left school and started earning a real pay. Some of the questions that we may have in our minds are

How do I spend my money?
~Where should I eat and shop? What sort of lifestyle should I adopt?
~Why can’t I meet my boss’ expectations?

Answers to these questions can come from
The media
~Our bosses and colleagues

which are offering us attractive, alternate lifestyles.

Hence, as Christian young adults, we need to be PathMakers because

PathMakers make trends,
and don't follow aimlessly (Definition of a PathMaker)

We need to be deliberate about choosing the lifestyle we want to lead. We must not follow aimlessly, but make godly paths for ourselves and others to follow!

The key areas that will be addressed in PathMakers are
~Career Paths
~Life Partner

and these will be addressed through
~Care Groups
~Monthly PathMakers event

Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

Pastor Kee Oon also encouraged us with Psalm 25:4-5 to ask God to show us the paths that we should make. In that way, we’ll be true PathMakers for God.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, is there a counter that states the no. of people visiting the pathmakers blog?

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. The counter is on the right panel bottom corner of the main page. If I'm not mistaken, there was some problem with the counter a few months back and we had to reset it, so the number is currently understated.

9:45 PM  

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