19 Nov 2006
It was a colourful afternoon for PathMakers. Ms Hannie Hay from Jill Lowe International shared with us tips and tricks on dressing and styling. Let me share with you some…

The story of Linda and Lindy. The power of hair style. Side parting makes you look softer and more approachable, and hence those in service side should keep side partings.

The power of dressing. There is a banker, musician&playboy and a tuition teacher in the photo. Can you tell who is who?

Black only looks good on very few people.
And we learnt that there are 4 types of people – Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. And people from each season has different colours that suit them.
Fang Ting is Autumn, and Ju Lee is Spring!

Pak Shun is Spring too! Looks like he’s in the wrong colour…
So, should we throw away all our “wrong colour” clothes? NO! According to Hannie, some “wrong colours” make you look pale and dull. They’re good when you need an MC. If you wear the “right colour” to the doctor, you’ll look radiant. “You don’t need and MC”, the doctor would say, “You just need Vitamin C.”
P/S: the colour of the title tells you that i'm an autumn... guess who??? :)