Sunday, June 25, 2006

Amazing Race: Woodlands edition!

A journal entry by a young adult:

On 11th June, we had our Young Adults Hanging Out event-bearing testimony to the fact that the Young Adults initiative and commitment to meet up monthly is gaining momentum and is here to stay!

Today's Amazing Race was part of a series activities for us to bond with people from other CGs and also to invite our non-christian friends and relatives to have a peek at what they are missing out on. Two weeks of painstaking planning and preparation was tested in the crucible of reality and, as it turned out, God blessed us with sheets of refreshing June showers and a load of fun! :)

Groups of us ran around with umbrellas to the far corners of the realm of Woodlands. A quirky mixture of mind bending games, bible quizzes, hunting for obscure signboards, locating ATM machines, counting strange looking vegetables made it an experience that was enriching for all.

Sure goes to show there is no lack of competitive spirit in YA ministry. Looking forward to the next one already. Yay!
